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Things you need to know about Laparoscopic Surgery

In the past few years, surgical technology has developed to a great extent. Surgeons have adapted advanced surgical procedures like laparoscopic surgery also known as keyhole surgery or minimally invasive surgery.


What is Laparoscopic Surgery?

Laparoscopic surgery is a technique which incurs small incisions, usually not more than half an inch. Laparoscopic surgery allows surgeons to treat or explore organs of the body. A camera attached to it allows the surgeon to view the body organs on an electronic screen. Nowadays, this technique is being used for general surgeries, gynecological surgeries, and orthopedic surgeries.


Scope of Laparoscopic Surgery –

  • Gallbladder surgery
  • Gynecological surgery like laparoscopic hysterectomy
  • Small and large intestine surgery
  • Hiatal hernia surgery
  • Appendix surgery
  • Liver, kidney, and pancreas surgery
  • Splenectomy
  • Laparoscopic infertility treatment
  • Gastroenterology surgery 
  • Colon and rectal surgery
  • Head and neck surgery
  • Cancer treatment

Benefits of Laparoscopic Surgery –

Compared to open surgery, laparoscopic surgery has some of the benefits like,

  • Laparoscopic surgery takes a very short time to recover and heal.
  • A shorter period of hospital stay, most of the time it takes one or two days.
  • Compared to traditional or open surgery, incision and scars are small in laparoscopic surgery.
  • The risk of infection is lower in laparoscopic surgery.
  • Lesser pain at the incision site after surgery.
  • Lesser restrictions concerning daily activities compared to open surgery.

Complications associated with Laparoscopic Surgery –

There are certain complications for any kind of surgery and laparoscopic surgery also comes with some sort of complications –

  • Infection at the incision site
  • Bleeding around the incision
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Damage to adjacent organs 
  • Allergic reaction to anaesthesia
  • Blood clots

But complications are far less in laparoscopic surgeries in comparison with open surgeries.

Laparoscopic surgeries have immensely increased over time because of its success rates. To understand more about its procedure, scope, advantages, and risk factors visit the best laparoscopic hospital in Bangalore.