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Best Hospital for Endoscopy in Bangalore

Best Hospital For Endoscopy in Basavanagudi Bangalore


Endoscopic surgery is a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure that is used to examine a person’s digestive tract. An endoscope is a thin flexible tube with a light and camera attached to it which is passed through the patient’s mouth. Doctors use this procedure to diagnose and treat diseases related to the upper gastrointestinal track i.e esophagus and stomach. 

Peptic ulcers, bleeding, and any cancer growth can be diagnosed through endoscopy procedure. Patients suffering from indigestion, burning sensation in the chest and excessive burping and pain in the stomach, weight loss can undergo endoscopy.

Endoscopic surgery allows the surgeons to view the pictures of your digestive tract on a color TV monitor and perform procedures without making any incisions.

Treatments & Procedures:

We at Himas hospital are committed to provide quality healthcare services to our patients dealing with diseases related to the digestive tract with the best endoscopic  surgeries in Bangalore. Our endoscopic surgeons diagnose and treat diseases or disorders of stomach, esophagus, small & large intestine. 

With advancement in technology, surgery for gastrointestinal tract has evolved and we aim to offer the best gastrointestinal surgery in Bangalore. Some of the gastrointestinal problems that can be treated with the help of endoscopic surgeries are:

  • Appendicitis
  • Gastrointestinal cancer
  • Diverticular disease
  • Hernia
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Rectal prolapse

Benefits of endoscopic surgery:

  • No incision
  • No muscle cuts
  • No scars
  • Faster recovery
  • Quick discharge

Best Endoscopy Hospital In Bangalore

At Himas Hospital, we believe in providing world-class comprehensive surgical healthcare services to make your surgical journey smooth and painless right from the admission to discharge. Our aim is to offer a comfortable and stress-free surgery experience to the patients which makes us stand out as the top endoscopy hospital in Basavanagudi, Bangalore.

FAQs on Endoscopy Hospital in Bangalore

Endoscopy shouldn’t be more painful. Surgeons may ask you to wear a mouth guard to hold your mouth open which might make you feel uncomfortable. 

Endoscopy surgery takes around an hour to completely wear off. The post endoscopy procedure may lead to little discomfort, it usually resolves within 48 hours.

Risks associated with endoscopy are bleeding, infection, injury of the gastrointestinal tract & reaction to sedation or anesthesia.

You should stop taking solid food items for eight hours and liquid for four hours before you go for an endoscopy.